This Cake size is:
select the options:
A)-8 Tiers wedding cake in the Picture. each tier 4 inches tall
:Diamenter. 4- 6 ", 7", 8 ", 10", 12 'or 14 "wide.B) 4 Tiers- Diamenter. 4- 6 ", 7", 8
C) 3 Tier Diameter 6-8-10
-Pick your size in the drop down menu.
This is a Luxury Dummy cake is the prop that has endless possibilities.
The Dummy cake have 7 + 1 tier with( flowers sell separately )
size 4,6, 8, 10 ,12 ,14 inches
height 5 inch each tier
you can building your onwn decoration.
the flowers tier is sold separatelyCake assemble
Prodution time
3 weeks
1-3 Business day
Luxury wedding Faux cake
we are selling separately is not include